The purpose of the Tanana Valley State Fair Association is to advance the agricultural, industrial, and educational interests of the citizens of the State of Alaska by holding annual fairs in Fairbanks, Alaska. The Association is governed by a nine-member board of Directors elected for a three-year term, and elections take place at the annual meeting. Membership is open to any individual within the community.
The following is required to be a voting member:
- Has reached their 18th birthday
- Principal domicile is within 150-mile radius of Tanana Valley State Fair Grounds
- Membership dues paid by Monday, February 24, 2025.
Individuals interested in serving on TVSFA board of directors must submit their letter of interest and brief bio by Monday, February 24, 2025. TVSFA Nomination Committee reviews qualifications and forwards recommendations to TVSFA board of directors.
Membership is good for one calendar year starting January 1 and ending December 31.